Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Ride With Your Mind"

    I am very excited to have been accredited by Mary Wanless as a "Ride With Your Mind" coach. There are only four accredited coaches in the U.S.,and I am very proud to be a part of this method of teaching dressage.
   A wonderful example of an elite rider who has been a long time student of Mary's is our own Pan Am Team Gold Medalist Heather Blitz. Mary has helped her understand how subtle changes in her body influence the horse.Heather is so highly skilled she can make riding her 18 hand horse look easy.She is able to achieve this by her ability to be so still that she can let her horse express his beautiful gaits,without getting in his way. To me ,the picture of her riding Paragon is one of harmony,power,and what good dressage is all about.
  Mary's approach to understanding the mechanics of elite riders,which she then breaks down into easily understood skills,is revolutionizing the teaching of dressage. It is cutting edge. As teachers we have a responsibility to keep increasing our skills,so we can give each rider an honest appraisal of what is going on now,and help them understand what needs to be changed. It is so exciting for me to see a rider realize  how making a small change in their position results in a big change in the horse.
  I will be continuing in my ongoing education to improve as a teacher,so I can help more riders have fun,and enjoy their journey to achieve whatever their goals may be.


  1. Congratulations! Your success is paving the way for future riders and coaches.

  2. Wonderful...only wish you lived in NH!!! :)
